Primary Care Education on COVID-19 and COPD
Section outline
Welcome! This module delves into the rehabilitation and long-term recovery of patients with well-established COPD diagnoses post-severe COVID-19 infection. We emphasize strategic symptom management and understanding the typical recovery trajectory.
At the end of this module, you will be able to (learning objectives):
- Understand the long-term impacts of severe COVID-19 in COPD patients and determine when further investigations are needed based on symptom improvement.
- Implement appropriate assessments and formulate action plans, including therapy services and spirometry checks.
- Offer holistic patient support, including the use of local support services and mental health and palliative care considerations.
To get a certificate, you need to:
- Complete the Pre-test.
- Complete the learning materials: Case study, Videocast, and Further reading.
- Obtain at least a 75% grade on the Final exam.
- Complete the feedback form.
If you have any doubts, please write them on the Discussion Forum.
The learning materials include an interactive Case study, a Videodcast with a dicussion about the Case study, and Further reading. You will need to complete all to prepare for the Final exam.
At the end of this section - Introductions and questions - you have a forum where you can ask any questions you may have about this module as well as introduce yourself to your fellow students and discuss your work in the field of respiratory health.
Case Study Lekcija
Videocast Stranica
Further reading Stranica
Introductions and questions Forum
Now that you have engaged with the learning materials, you will have a chance to test your knowledge in the Final Exam, provide feedback about the module in the Feedback Form, and download your certificate.
Final Exam Test
Feedback Form Anketa